Information on:

Great Northwest Library

9050 Wellwood


Great Northwest Branch Library is a local home for programs and staff that support people of all ages in a wide range of endeavors. They support visitors with school projects, career changes, and diverse life-long learning goals. Highly popular children's programs attract many families with young children. They offer their community an outlet for creative group endeavors, such as an art exhibit, making blankets for rescue animals, or a knitting group.

The Great Northwest Branch of the San Antonio Public Library opened in 1994 to serve the people of the swiftly growing communities of Northwest San Antonio. The original prize-winning building, designed by the architects, Lake/Flato, Inc., was featured in both architectural and library journals. The building was originally 12,500 square feet. An addition of a meeting room and children’s area in 2006 expanded their space to cover over 17,000 square feet.

Nearly 400,000 times a year, patrons walk through this bustling branch’s doors to share resources in one of the busiest outlets of the San Antonio Public Library. They provide over 99,500 items including books, audio books, music, videos, magazines, newspapers, and financial publications. In increasing numbers, visitors benefit from electronic books, journals, and study aides. Great Northwest Branch Library has 17 public computers with internet access, and also provides a wi-fi service for patrons arriving with their own equipment.

Great Northwest Branch Library strives to be a welcoming and helpful place. Please visit.

Great Northwest Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media