Information on:

Friends of The Pelion Branch Library

206 Pine Street

Friends of The Pelion Branch Library is a voluntary organization of citizens whose mission is to promote and foster among the Pelion Community an interest in and support for the Pelion Branch Library by facilitating programs and providing funding. The Library is one of the most valuable resources in our community. It is one place where everyone is welcome, where there is no exclusion for any reason - age, sex, race, ethnicity, education, or work experience.
Friends serve as volunteers within the library and ambassadors within the community. Revenue generated through membership dues, annual book sales, and other fund raising activities, goes to enhance and supplement library collections and services beyond what is provided through public appropriation.

Friends of Pelion Branch Library is a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization and all contributions are tax deductible.
Joining the Friends of Pelion Branch Library is your way to support and promote the Pelion Branch and keep abreast of library activities. Please take time to print out and complete the attached form. All donations are tax deductible.

Friends of The Pelion Branch Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
