Information on:

Friends Of The Danville Public Library

101 South Indiana Street

About Us

The Friends of the Library (FOL) was founded to support library programs and help buy equipment through membership dues and fundraising activities such as used book sales. This year the library was able to purchase a color laser printer to help publish the library's newsletter because of a generous contribution from the Friends of the Library.

There are several membership categories--individual memberships are just $5 a year, and benefits include Book Bucks, which can be used to buy a free book from the used book sales, to reserve a book, or to pay an overdue fine (up to $1). Friends of the Library members are also admitted to "For Friends Only" preview sales of their used book sales. Friends also receive a discount to any library program in which an admission is charged.


Friends Of The Danville Public Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
