Information on:

Dixon Public Library

230 North First Street


The idea to establish a library in Dixon was first proposed by the members of the Women's Improvement Club. This concept continued to developed and as a result three club members requested legislative action from Sacramento to create a special district in Dixon to provide library service. In 1911 the sought-for approval was confirmed. In order to seek funding for the building's construction, the Women's Improvement Club petitioned support from philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Mr. Carnegie's reply came in the form of a check for ten thousand dollars. Consequently, in 1913, Dixon Library first opened its doors and has served ever since as the community's library. The original Carnegie building , located on East B Street, is one of the few original Carnegie Libraries still operating as a library in the United States.

Current library holdings include over 26,000 volumes, 60 magazine titles and 4 newspapers, including the Dixon Tribune on microfilm back to 1874. The library also offers non-print materials such as recorded books, language instruction cassettes, video cassettes, and educational CD's. Technology has come to the library in the form of several computer terminals which provide Internet, word processing, and educational software capabilities for public use. The Dixon Public Library is now beginning to implement an automation plan to computerize its records thereby enabling faster, better, and more accurate services to its patrons both in the library and from home.

Dixon Public Library is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media