The Ayer Library was incorported by an act of the Legislature on January 16, 1894. The new addition was added to the library in 1997.
Military Collection
The Library boasts a large and unique military collection. Many of these books are only owned by us and no other library in the area has them. Military book can be checked at the discretion of the staff, and they may also be viewed within the library. The library also has a number of military photographs. As well as a wealth of information on the Grand Army of the Republic in which many memberds were from the surrounding areas.
Historical Collections
There are a variety of historical collections that describe the history of Ayer and Devens. The library posses many photographs, maps, and documents. There is also extensive geneaology collection. We have vital records, year books, and town reports. As well as every issue of the Ayer Public Spirit starting in 1869.